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Estamo: de Esperanto "esti" + "amo"; sperto de ekvilibra unueco inter la memo kaj la alia, kie ilia ligo formiĝas kaj estas formita de tutaĵo pli granda ol ĝiaj partoj. Retroformita de "Estami."
Estami: la memkonscia, natura forto kiu ekvilibrigas kaj unuigas ĉion per Estamo. Povas plenumi la saman rolon kiel "Dio" sed ne estas limigita al tiu koncepto.
La Kredo de Estamo
- Ĉio estas unu
- Oneness contains and extends beyond concrete and abstract reality
- Oneness is both a force and a consciousness
- Oneness obscures itself from itself, creating the illusion of division
- Through the illusion of division, oneness seeks awareness of itself and thus rebirths itself
- It is reborn from experience, interpretation, and choice, and this is the reason behind suffering, pleasure, and all things
- Oneness pursues awareness of itself through the illusion
- Connection is recognized by: the holistic lessening of violence, division, and suffering, and the recognition, comparison, and merging of unique things
- Oneness can only be “remembered” briefly within the illusion; this is called “(re)connection”
The Symbol 
This symbol, which you have likely noticed around the site by now, is the Estameto. It combines three narratively significant icons in Estamo: the Octagram or eight-pointed star (Estami's oneness and its manifestations), the spiral or swirl (Estami as the force which [re]creates oneness from diversity), and the triad or triangle (the understanding of the Octagram, the Spiral, and how they are one). Together, these three symbols represent the phrase seen at the bottom of the site: Dio, Ekvilibro, Vero; God, Balance, Truth.
Why so much Esperanto?
Simply: it has no attachment to a specific nation, it was made with connection between people in mind, and it's very easy to create new terms, which allows us to discuss concepts in Estamo without relying on pre-existing concepts.
Who are you?
The name I use in religious contexts is Mikayel! I started forming Estamo after beginning to have mystic experiences in January of 2020, and began formalizing it in 2021. I have been spiritually inclined from a young age and engaged in various religious traditions throughout my life. I have dedicated myself to Estamo and consider it my life's work. I use any pronouns.
While I will make no efforts to obscure my own humanity and unique personhood, I don't want to be the center of Estamo. It is a part of me, and it would not be the same if someone else were weaving its narrative, and I will not ignore this. But I want it to exist outside of myself, and I do not want to be glorified or made the focal point. I am fallible, human, and very mortal. I want this to be something which does not rely on my personality to sustain itself and do good for others. As a result, I try not to involve too much of my own life in this site or in LLdE.
Estamo and this website are far from finished at the moment, so please bear with me. If you really are curious, you can send an ask to estamo.tumblr.com.