Why a dictionary?
There are a lot of terms Estamo uses that are not common in standard English. While these terms are explained throughout La Libro de Estamo, its worth having a dictionary here as well, just in case you need to get a quick definition.
- Estamo: literally esti (to be) + amo (love), the belief system which holds that all the world is actually one thing, the world is an illusion which creates a feeling of separation, and the purpose of life is seeking the memory of this connection and acting in ways which assist this memory.
- The one thing: the concept that everything that is, is a part of a single, unifying "thing", which both makes up our universe and transcends it.
- Estami: the verb form of Estamo, this is used most often to refer to the one thing specifically in the context of Estamo.
- Estamosophy: literally estamo + sophy (wisdom), the practice of understanding Estamo and applying it our lives, and using it as a lens to examine the world around us.
- Esenco: literally "essence", the concept of a thing and the way that concept interacts and is interacted with. Any concept can be an esenco.
- Esenkadro: literally "essence-framework", a collection of esenco which, together, make up a framework or lens through which things are understood and interpreted. Can be translated as "belief system."
- Diopeceto: literally dio (god) + peceto (piece), an aspect of Estami that appears to be individual and disconnected within the Illusion.
- The Illusion: the physical universe we exist in, where we perceive reality as inherently full of separation. This is a "part" of Estami, which exists to create the experience of disconnection, and allow for choice and experience.
- Sentempeco: literally "timelessnesss", the "part" of Estami which goes beyond the Illusion and transcends time, matter, space, and reality. Also refers to the month-long festival celebrating the Illusion and its eternal creation.
- Ciamkodo: literally "forever code", one of three moral codes in Estamo; refers to the idea of "harming the least and healing the most".
- Kiriarkio: literally "kyriarchy", the esenco of oppressive systems of power which, in Estamo, takes on a sort of conceptual life and self-sustains through culture and thought.